The art of Indian Head Massage (or “Champi” in Hindi) is an Ayurvedic form of healing and relaxation that’s widely used in Asia, by masseurs and hairdressers, to combat daily tension and stress. Which makes sense when you think about it, because the technique originated over a thousand years ago in India—stemming from a traditional family grooming practice during which Indian mothers massaged their daughters’ hair with different oils to encourage long, lustrous locks. In fact, shampoo originates from the same practice. Being “champi-ed” meant having your head massaged.

The Indian Head Massage modality addresses the back, neck, the scalp and the face using a variety of reflexology like pressures and techniques; oils may be used to nourish the hair and by extension, calm the nervous system. The therapy strives to restore balance and harmony by working on the three higher chakras and is definitely one of the most relaxing massage forms you’ll ever experience.

Proponents of Indian Head Massage Techniques Believe That It Can:

• Help in the development of six to nine-month-old infant’s brains and eyesight.
• Increase oxygen and glucose supply to your brain;
• Improve the circulation of cerebrospinal fluids;
• Generally improve the function of your sinuses;
• Dissipate accumulated toxins in your head;
• Increase your brain’s pranic energy level;
• Promote the growth and lustre of your hair;
• Reduce or rather help reduce hair loss, premature balding and even graying;
• It’s focus on the temples, eyebrows and forehead can improve eyesight and concentration.

Indian Head Massages can help relieve the stress and tension that fill our days and nights. You see, the technique employs controlled caresses such as the spider walk, root pull, and comb, and focuses mainly on the face and scalp.

It can also continue down the upper back, neck, shoulders and upper arms. It’s ideal for addressing neck or shoulder tension and has a strong effect on the three higher chakras (the Vissuddha – base of the throat, the Ajna – forehead and the Sahasrara – crown).

As the massage works on the shoulders and neck, the relief of tension is felt almost instantaneously. As well as easing headaches and stress, the conditions it can help are many. It helps deal with scalp and hair problems, aids localized blood and lymphatic circulation, relieves eye strain, boosts the immune system, relieves muscle tension, and helps restore joint movement. Which is particularly helpful to anyone who’s wheelchair bound or otherwise only partially mobile.


If you require any more information, please contact Donna directly on 07790 789036. Or simply fill out the form on our contact page